Loans by DSK Bank

Housing loan for construction, improvements etc.

Finance for residential property


With a loan for construction, finishing works and improvements from DSK Bank you can:

  • finance the construction of a residential property

  • get funds for finishing works or improvements

Advantages for you

  • High maximum loan amount

  • Long repayment period

The interest rate under each agreement is determined individually, taking into account the following factors:

  • The individual client profile

  • The type and parameters of the loan

  • Other used products and services of the Bank


5 000 BGN
700 000 BGN


Minimum repayment period
30 years
Maximum repayment period

Possibility for a pre-approved credit card for a housing loan if the following conditions are met:

  • You have a finally approved housing loan;
  • You do not have a credit card at DSK Bank or you have one of these - Maxi Card, Maxi Go, Maxi Go Credit.

Fees and interest rates

Fees and interest rates

Dear clients, please keep in mind that you are required to use a current account with DSK Bank and take out property insurance. This expense becomes part of the APR when it becomes known to the Bank - after the Borrower, depending on the type of loan product, presents the first original insurance policy. The cost of insurance is not included in the APR. The example is prepared when repaying a loan through the current account included in the payment package.

Representative examples:


APR, at an individual interest rate, selected for the example* - 2,71%

Variable interest rate for the entire term of the agreement, under the terms of the DSK Uyut Plus Program and selected unlimited property liability - 2,55%

A representative example with a floating interest rate for the entire term of the loan. Тhe variable interest rate under the terms of the DSK Uyut Plus Program can be set in the range of 2,20% to 3,45%.



Loan amount

223 000 BGN

Monthly instalment

886,93 BGN

Loan term

30 years

Total amount due

324 445,36 BGN

APR – 2,71% at an individual interest rate, selected for the example:

  • Variable interest rate for the entire term of the loan - 2,55%
  • Verification and analysis of the loan collateral fee - 600 BGN
  • Number of repayment instalments - 360
  • Property (apartment) valuation fee - 195 BGN
  • Legal mortgage entry fee - 40 BGN
  • Monthly fee for the plan No Limits - 11,99 BGN

*You are required to take out property insurance. The cost of insurance is not included in the APR. This expense becomes part of the APR when it becomes known to the bank according to a concluded insurance contract with an insurer selected by the client.

The interest rate under each agreement is determined individually, taking into account the following factors:

  • The individual client profile;
  • The type and parameters of the loan;
  • Other used products and services of the bank.


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