DSK Bank
A bank as it's people
We care about building
a sustainable future

We help Children and Education
Children are the future of a nation and their development and education from a very early age is of utmost importance for their further integration into society. This is also our driving force to create and participate in projects supporting the development of children in Bulgaria.
Our long-standing partnership with SOS Children's Villages began more than 10 years ago. DSK Bank is the largest corporate donor to the cause of children's villages. Each year we support two foster families through corporate sponsorship, and we also provide the opportunity for any of our customers or employees to contribute to the cause by donating through ATM devices and online banking.
In addition to monetary resources, we give children with the most precious thing - time and attention. In 2021, sixteen of our colleagues participated in online training sessions that covered two main topics: financial literacy and my first job. They aimed to increase young people's financial literacy and make them more self-reliant.
We have other activities planned for this year to give more of our time to the children of SOS Children's Villages.
In addition to financial support, we provide children with the most important things: time and attention. In 2021, 16 of our colleagues participated in online trainings that covered two main topics: financial literacy and my first job. They aimed to increase young people's financial literacy and make them more self-reliant.
This year we have planned more activities to donate more of our time to the children from SOS Children's Villages.
“I found the training sessions on loans and debit and credit cards the most interesting. I’ve heard about it, but many things became clear to me after the sessions. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in such training. At first, I thought it would be like some other trainings - uninteresting, where only the ladies understood what it was about. But in the end, everything new was explained clearly and understood, just like for us who are hearing for the first time about social security, the different types of authority, the civil and employment contracts, etc. On the other topics, I knew some things in advance, but most of my ambiguities were filled in as I listened. Very nicely explained terms and specific actions to be done. Participating in this training makes me more informed, and being informed gives me security"
Michael, 16 years old
"I participated in all the trainings. It was really interesting and fascinating. I added a lot to my knowledge. I liked the topic about banking the most. About preparing a CV and a cover letter. I finally got the feeling that I can do it on my own. I feel like I have more confidence of being knowledgeable and capable. I think, though, about the people who were hosting the modules - how fluent they are and it's obvious they know what they're talking about. I want to communicate with them more"
Victoria, 18 years old
Results of our partnership with

Total donated funds
for a period of 10 years
(December 2015 - December 2020)

The number of children and young people we have supported for a period of 6 years:
Supported children in foster care
Supported children in SOS Youth Homes
Supported young people in the Home Independent Program
Supported children in the Centre for Community Support /Family Support and Prevention of Separation/

We help Nature
In recent years, DSK Bank has been actively supporting and financing green projects. At the end of 2021, green investments make up nearly BGN 86 million of the Bank's loan portfolio. They are mostly related to the construction of solar and wind farms.
In addition, in partnership with the Regional Urban Development Fund (RUDF), we support a variety of sustainable projects related to improving energy efficiency and renovating a number of public buildings in the country, including community centres, libraries, concert halls, museums, etc.
From 1 April 2022, we are also launching our major program with Mastercard - Mastercard Wildlife Impact Card. By joining this programme, DSK Bank becomes the first European bank to offer Mastercard debit cards made from recycled material and in support of biodiversity..
For every Mastercard Wildlife Impact Card issued, we at DSK Bank and Mastercard donate one dollar to Conservation International to help protect and restore wildlife habitats. By 2030, this project will cover priority areas equivalent to 40 million hectares of land and 4.5 million square kilometres of water worldwide.
In addition, together with RUDF and our subsidiary OTP Leasing, DSK Bank is involved in financing a number of projects to provide environmentally friendly public transport in the country.
Green Week is our gesture to nature. We organize it every season. Under the motto "DSK Bank - With Tomorrow in Mind!", within a week, we share with colleagues and discuss information, facts, advice on a selected green topic, which is different for each publication - water, waste, paper and electricity. We are also involved in exciting green challenges, with the ultimate goal of higher environmental commitment and a cleaner environment.
“DSK Bank's unique new wildlife cards will help raise awareness of endangered species and environmental issues. Our partnership with Mastercard and the global organisation Conservation International is a great example of the many key roles that business can play in helping people and communities in their collective efforts for a greener planet. With this card, we would like to join forces with our more than 2.5 million customers in the fight for a clean environment and the conservation of endangered wildlife species."

Art and urban development
Our mission: to live in a city as its people
Sofia belongs to each of us and we all shape its image. Sofia means "City of Wisdom", but is full with graffiti sending messages of hatred and intolerance, drawing lines of division between different people.
At DSK Bank we believe that Sofia can be better. That everyone should feel accepted. That the walls that divide us can bring us together. That the walls that divide us can bring us together.
We can prove it together with you.
Realization of the project City as its People:
"City as its People" is in 2022 again to transform another corner of the capital from a gray and inconspicuous terrain into a colorful and strong place. In 2021 you suggested places to improve and make more pleasant. The result was the wonderful mural. This time we chose the place ourselves, and you guessed it!
Campaign AmbassadorsFor us art is a focus not only in the urban environment but in all its forms. That is why for another year we are happy to support the Fashion Academy and the best young designer of Bulgaria.
In 2021 we supported the Hungarian Cultural Institute and their project "Bike and culture". Through this initiative and the placement of bike racks in front of cultural institutes and institutions, we aim to stimulate bicycle access to those places. This is another step to make cultural events easily accessible in a way that does not pollute the environment.

We love to help as well as play sports, which is why our teams actively participate in charity sports competitions such as Run2Gether, Business Run and many more.
We are also keen to organise internal charity events together to support disadvantaged children, women, victims of domestic abuse - such as the Martenitza Charity Bazaar, Christmas Brunch, Flower with a Cause, Sports Day with a Cause and more. Some of the foundations we support are Maiko Mila, BCause, For Our Children, I Want a Baby and many more.
As part of the OTP Banking Group, each year we at DSK Bank submit information for the preparation of the Group's Corporate Social Responsibility Report, which records the sustainable performance of subsidiaries in accordance with the principles and standards of the Global Reporting Initiative. The reports can be found here: OTP Bank - Sustainability reports
In these challenging times, we at DSK Bank are coming together to support people in need affected by the war in Ukraine. For more information see DSK Bank helping Ukraine.