Всеки търси служители, ние търсим хора
Information Technology Auditor
Head Office Sofia
General duties:
What we think you should know about THE JOB:
- It requires a sense of responsibility, independence and objectivity
- makes you learn all the time, so a significant thirst for knowledge is a must, and
- adds value for the whole bank.
and how you could FIT IN here with us:
In DSK Bank we provide a unique client experience and contribute to society. We believe that every team member represents our philosophy and corporate culture, understands it, and believes in it.
In the internal audit team, we support each other, work hard, learn fast and celebrate our achievements. You will have a meaningful job, work in a great atmosphere and with people that share your mindset. So, in order to fit, we hope you are a team player, who thrives in a dynamic and fast-paced environment and feels comfortable to communicate in English.
You will report directly to the head of IT and Digital Ecosystems Section, who reports directly to the Chief Audit Executive and also, you will lead the audit team to perform the assigned audit missions.
How would your working day roughly go?
In planning, organizing, and conducting IT and IT-security audit missions;
- participating in process-based other audits in accordance with the Annual Audit Plan or based on instruction of the Head of IAD,
- performing the Audit Program, performing with due professional care the tasks, specified in the Audit Program, compiling of the Audit Report.
Will you communicate with the auditees?
Yes, and also:
- organize interviews with them;
- provide the relevant communication during the audit, especially on the Kick-off and Exit meetings;
- reconcile the prepared Audit Report on the results of the performed audit together with the other members of our audit team.
What else?
- You will support all the audit missions of IAD by gathering the relevant information and data from the information systems of the bank;
- prepare opinion on new banking products and technologies;
- use a data analysis and monitoring software for technology-based audits; participate in projects to advise setting up the relevant controls at the early stages of system developments.
- You need to have a master’s degree in information technology, computer science, cybersecurity, information systems and technology or another related field.
- We need an experienced professional, with at least 3 years in information technology and/or 1 year in IT and IT security auditing. Experience in banking IT or IT auditing is an advantage.
- Our work requires knowledge of IT control environment, IT audit methodologies (COBIT); data analysis and monitoring technics; software development process (SDLC); communication protocols, electronic certificates, encryption mechanisms, security policies of communication devices and administration of network servers etc
- Already possess or have a strong desire to pursue relevant industry certifications such as CISA or CISSP, as well as active membership in industry relevant club or organization such as ISACA, AIS, WIT, etc.
DSK Bank offers:
- Excellent opportunities for professional and career development
- Attractive annual bonus scheme
- Additional Health Insurance
- 20+5 paid annual holiday leave
- Food vouchers in the amount of up to 200 BGN per month
- Favorable conditions for housing and mortgage lending, as well as for DSK Bank products and services
- Preferential conditions for Multisport / CoolFit card
- Discounts in more than 20 companies
- Professional trainings for specific knowledge and skills
Documents for application:
Ако позицията отговаря на Вашите професионални интереси и умения, ще се радваме да разгледаме Вашата кандидатура.
Информация относно обработването на лични данни на кандидати за работа в "Банка ДСК" АД
Още позиции
Стажантска програма „ДСК Старт в кариерата“
Ние в Банка ДСК, един от най-желаните от студентите работодатели в страната, пазарен лидер и лидер по доверие, търсим да развиваме хора като теб за професиите на бъдещето.
Освен, че трансформираме и дигитализираме бизнеса си, наш основен приоритет са хората, като вярваме в лидерството и екипния дух. Целта ни е да изградим екипи както от опитни професионалисти, така и от млади специалисти, за да постигнем перфектния баланс.
София / Варна
Мениджър Пазар Младежи - Велико Търново
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