Structured products
Create your own investment product based on specific indices and/or market metrics
DSK Bank offers to its clients structured products, manufactured by leading international banks. The structured products are financial instruments, whose results depend on the performance of an index, interest rate, currency or commodity. They provide an opportunity to achieve a positive return in certain scenarios of the performance of the financial asset on which they are based.
DSK Bank offers the option for structuring a product for a certain client with larger investment on preferred index or asset class as well as capital protection by the client.
Characteristics of the structured products:
Enable exposure to various assets - indices, stocks, commodities, precious metals, currency pairs and others;
Provide a wide variety of profiles in terms of risk and return;
Might be without capital protection or with capital protection to a defined percentage on the maturity of the structured products;
Have daily liquidity provided by the manufacturer of the product.
Target market of the product
Structured products are financial instruments - products, which the Bank distributes. The table below sets out the criteria for determining for which client profile the products are compatible with or not.
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