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Bank Guarantees

Separate bank guarantee or
limit for multiple guarantees

Types ·   Tender bond - secures the eventual withdrawal of a proposal by a bidder or a chosen contractor’s failure to conclude a contract
·   Advance payment bond – secures an advance payment under a contract
·   Performance bond – secures the performance of obligations under certain contract for delivery of goods/services, etc.
·   Financial Stability bond – secures the payment in favor of the borrower under certain contract for delivery of goods/services, etc.
·   Bank loan guarantee – in favor of the borrower under certain contract with the beneficiary
Currency BGN, EUR, USD
Validity Period As per the requirements of the presented contracts, regulatory requirements, etc.
Collateral ·   All types of collaterals, eligible as per the Bulgarian legislation; cash deposit funds on current/deposit accounts at DSK and/or gilt-edged securities.
·   Collaterals could be owned by the orderer or third parties;
·   The collaterals are insured in favor of the Bank.


Fees and commissions as per the Bank’s Tariff


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Bank Guarantees

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