You can order cross-border credit transfers in foreign currency - both through the real-time SEPA settlement system, TARGET 2 or through the SWIFT system, using our correspondent banking accounts in the following main currencies: EUR, USD, GBP,
The list of our Corresponding banks is available here.
Take advantage of the possibility to negotiate individual currency exchange rates for larger amounts, as well as to transfer money in currency, different from the original currency of the account.
All foreign currency transfers could be easily initiated via our e-banking solutions DSK Direct, Multicash or through MT 101 service. All transfers in EUR and USD which are ordered until 14:00 are executed with value date on the same working day.
Payments in EUR and USD ordered after 14:00 will be executed with value date on the next day. Transfers in other foreign currencies (different from EUR and USD) are executed with SPOT value date (two business days forward).
As a member of payment system for real-time EUR transfers - TARGET 2, DSK Bank offers to its customers urgent transfers in EUR to the banks in the European Economic Area (EEA) with immediate crediting of the bank of beneficiary.
Payments in EUR within the Single European Payment Area (SEPA) – SEPA zone includes countries of the European Union as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. You can use SEPA payments for EUR transfers to
countries in EEA and benefit of the advantageous pricing and lack of additional fees for the Correspondent banks.
Cross-border payments in other foreign currency (SWIFT transfers) – it includes all transfers in currency different from EUR, which are executed through SWIFT channel.
USD transfers ordered with charges „Guaranteed OUR“ – through this service beneficiary receives full amount of the transfer without collecting any additional charges. All outgoing transfers in USD
ordered with charges “OUR“ are treated as “Guaranteed OUR“. Additional fees and commissions are published in the Tariff of DSK Bank for business clients.
Transfers in other foreign currencies – DSK Bank gives you the opportunity to order transfers in more than 80 foreign currencies like AED, BHD, HKD, HRK, ILS, KWD, MAD, MXN, NZD, QAR, SAR, SGD, THB, TND, ZAR,
Additional details linked to international transfers in foreign currency
To order EUR transfers to EEA you need to provide at least the following information:
- Name and IBAN of the recipient
- Reason for payment
- Additional documents, if required, in accordance with the local currency legislation
To order FC transfers to a country outside the EEA you need to provide at least the following information and documents:
- SWIFT code (BIC) and name and address of the recipient bank
- Name of recipient and account number or IBAN
- Full address of the recipient
- Reason for payment
- Other documents in accordance with the local currency legislation (like invoices, a contract, registration forms of BNB, etc.) – required depending on the amount of the transfer and country of the Beneficiary
To receive transfers from a counterparty in EEA you need to provide to originator of the payment at least following information:
- Name and IBAN of the recipient
- Full address of the recipient
To order FC transfers to a country outside the EEA you need to provide at least the following information and documents:
- SWIFT code of DSK Bank
- Name and IBAN of the recipient
- Full address of the recipient