Internship program</br> DSK Career Start
You have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the work of the banking institution

Every beginning is important and not always easy. But when there is someone to support you and someone whom you can trust, the first step can be decisive in your career.
We, the people at DSK Bank, extend a helping hand to young professionals with the DSK Career Start internship program,to help them take this first step on the path to success. Because we are not just any Bank.
With the DSK Career Start internship program you have the opportunity to take your first steps in the financial sector and to immerse yourself in the work of the banking institution in two ways:
Paid internship of up to 6 months, for which you can apply throughout the year;
Summer internship of up to 3 months (June-September).
DSK Career Start opens doors not only to finance and banking operations. Like any large company, DSK Bank provides development opportunities in the field of IT, law, marketing, communications, human resources, etc.
The DSK Career Start internship program is suitable for:
Paid internships - сstudents, whether full-time or part-time, including students in higher education institutions abroad, third and fourth year bachelor's degree students, students doing their master's degree, students graduating in the same year;
Summer, unpaid internship - students from a high school specializing in the field of finance, economics, etc.; students, whether full-time or part-time, including students in higher education institutions abroad.
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Още позиции
Project Management Officer
Currently we are looking for an ambitious and proactive person to support our IT team as a Project Management Office
UI/UX Designer
We are looking for a UI/UX Designer who will be responsible for the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design of our various digital assets. You will ensure that all elements of the online user experience are optimized for improved usability, usefulness, and exceptional visual design.
Capital Management Analyst within Controlling and Performance Management Department
DSK Bank, Head office.
The position offers deep insights into the various aspects from the activity of the bank and gives the opportunity to create essential links between regulatory requirements and business perspectives.
„Банка ДСК“ АД е търговско дружество, регистрирано в Търговския регистър и регистъра на ЮЛНЦ към Агенцията по вписванията с ЕИК 121830616, със седалище и адрес на управление: гр. София, 1000, ул. „Московска“ № 19.
В качеството си на Администратор на лични данни, „Банка ДСК“ АД осъществява своята дейност при стриктно спазване на изискванията на Регламент (ЕС) 2016/679 на Европейския парламент и на Съвета относно защитата на физическите лица във връзка с обработването на лични данни и относно свободното движение на такива данни и Закона за защита на личните данни.
„Банка ДСК“ АД обработва личните Ви данни на основание подадено от Вас искане за заемане на обявена свободна позиция в Банката и за целите на подбора на кандидати за работа.
„Банка ДСК“ АД ще обработва личните Ви данни за срок от 2 (два) месеца от подаване на искането Ви, ако то не бъде одобрено. След изтичане на този срок, ако не е налице друго основание за обработване на данните, те ще бъдат изтрити.
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