DSK New Beginning
Specialized program in the financial sphere for your development
You haven't worked in a bank before, but you want to try something different, developing and dynamic?
We, DSK Bank have a proposal for you - a specialised program introducing you to the financial sphere - DSK New Beginning.
The program gives you an opportunity to acquire basic awareness of the banking sphere, providing development and mobility opportunities for you in the bank. Starting as a „Banking Operations Expert “ in one of the offices of DSK Bank, you will acquire a new professional qualification. You will have the opportunity to attend attend trainings and seminars to improve your skills in the field of sales, risk assessment and credit analysis, to acquire effective communication and presentation methods.
If you demonstrate good performance for at least 6 months after starting work, you have a chance to move to another position, according to your interests and the vacancies in the company.

I am rewarded based on my contribution
- Min salary of 1400 BGN gross and food vouchers at the amount of 200 BGN monthly
- Multiply my income based on my sales
- Incredible rates for housing loans and pay no banking fees for daily banking
- 20+ significant discounts with our partners and clients
- Additional paid leave
- Refer a friend or intern program bonuses

My environment is great and I feel good
- Culture with clear values: ownership, transparency and agility
- Support to keep my work-life balance
- Pleasant workspaces, if possible location close to my home
- Opportunity for hybrid work from home or other location depending on team and activity
- DSK Bank the biggest donation partner for SOS Youth Homes; support children education, worldwide nature, urban development etc.
- Social Fund for colleagues in need

I have an interesting job
- Leading company in the financial sector that is transforming to serve our 2,5 m customers in the best way
- Integration of a modern new banking platform with latest technology
- Diverse job with lots of meetings, supporting clients’ financial well-being
- Great team supporting my performance and development

I can grow in my career in the best bank
- Grow in the biggest retail bank - stable employer
- Development in different fields (400+ different roles in the bank – see our top 5 career paths)
- Clear training plan for my role
- Reskill and rebrand opportunities in the DSK Digital Academy –become a QA or IT specialist
„Банка ДСК“ АД е търговско дружество, регистрирано в Търговския регистър и регистъра на ЮЛНЦ към Агенцията по вписванията с ЕИК 121830616, със седалище и адрес на управление: гр. София, 1000, ул. „Московска“ № 19.
В качеството си на Администратор на лични данни, „Банка ДСК“ АД осъществява своята дейност при стриктно спазване на изискванията на Регламент (ЕС) 2016/679 на Европейския парламент и на Съвета относно защитата на физическите лица във връзка с обработването на лични данни и относно свободното движение на такива данни и Закона за защита на личните данни.
„Банка ДСК“ АД обработва личните Ви данни на основание подадено от Вас искане за заемане на обявена свободна позиция в Банката и за целите на подбора на кандидати за работа.
„Банка ДСК“ АД ще обработва личните Ви данни за срок от 2 (два) месеца от подаване на искането Ви, ако то не бъде одобрено. След изтичане на този срок, ако не е налице друго основание за обработване на данните, те ще бъдат изтрити.
Още позиции
Project Management Officer
Currently we are looking for an ambitious and proactive person to support our IT team as a Project Management Office
UI/UX Designer
We are looking for a UI/UX Designer who will be responsible for the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design of our various digital assets. You will ensure that all elements of the online user experience are optimized for improved usability, usefulness, and exceptional visual design.
Capital Management Analyst within Controlling and Performance Management Department
DSK Bank, Head office.
The position offers deep insights into the various aspects from the activity of the bank and gives the opportunity to create essential links between regulatory requirements and business perspectives.
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