By DSK Contact Center you can check your available bank balance, whether your utility bill has been paid, and what transactions have been completed with your bank card.

DSK Contact Center
Always at your disposal
What is it?
By calling the number 0700 10 375 (+359 700 10 375 if you are calling from outside the country or from another mobile phone carrier) you can use the automatic phone service system and:
Check your available balance and income in your account
If you have questions, need additional information or support, you will be redirected to speak to one of our team members
How much does it cost?
0700 10 375 (a universal and fixed number by the Vivacom network). Calls to fixed numbers from Vivacom, mobile or other fixed operators, including international providers, are charged based on your personal tariff plan for calls with the number “0700”. It is possible that calls to this number are not included in your free minutes package, so we suggest you check your mobile rates.
*BDSK (*2375) (mobile number for A1, Telenor, Vivacom, and bob) – as per your mobile phone tariff plan within the same carrier. It is possible that calls to this number are not included in your free minutes package, so we suggest
you check your mobile rates.
Your benefits:
Quick access to up-to-date information about your finances
Have access to one of our team members at any time, even if you cannot access one of our branch offices
What do I need to do?
Visit a DSK Bank branch office in a convenient location to sign a request for access to DSK Direct, bringing with you a valid form of ID.
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